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货号: 31100035 规格 Glutamine:L-GlutaminePhenol Red Indicator:Phenol RedForm:PowderHEPES Buffer:No HEPESSodium Pyruvate Additive:No Sodium PyruvateGlucose:Low GlucoseProduct Size:10 x 1 LShipping Condition:Room Temperature 描述 Medium 199 was originally developed for nutritional studies of chick embryo fibroblasts. It has broad species applicability, particularly for cultivation of non-transformed cells. Medium 199 is widely used in virology, vaccine production, and in vitro cultivation of primary explants of mouse pancreatic epithelium, and rat lens tissues. Life Technologi...
发布时间: 2015 - 05 - 28
货号: R25001 规格 Validated Application:Bacterial Selection, Eukaryotic Selection⁄Stable Cell Line GenerationAgent:Zeocin™Form:LiquidReagent Type:Antibiotic (Selective)Product Size:8 x 1.25 mLConcentration:100 mg⁄ml 内容及储存 This reagent is supplied at a concentration of 100 mg⁄ml. Store at -20°C in the dark. Guaranteed stable for 6 months when properly stored. 描述 Zeocin™ 试剂是博来霉素抗生素家族的一个成员。 其抗性由编码一种 13,665 道尔顿蛋白质的 Sh ble 基因赋予。 在表达这种蛋白质的细胞中,Zeocin™ 无法结合和切割细胞 DNA。 Zeocin™ 对大多数好氧细胞有效,可用于选择哺乳动物和昆虫细胞系、酵母以及细菌。 选择细胞时,Zeocin™ 的用量为 50-2000 ug/ml(通常 300 ug/ml),具体取决于...
发布时间: 2015 - 05 - 28
货号: 25030149 规格 Glutamine:L-GlutamineForm:LiquidConcentrated:100 XProduct Size:20 mLShipping Condition:Dry Ice 内容及储存 Storage conditions: -5 to -20°C. Protect from light.Shipping conditions: FrozenShelf life: 24 months from date of manufacture 描述 Gibco® L-glutamine is an amino acid required for cell culture. L-glutamine participates in the formation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides, amino sugars, glutathione, L-glutamate and other amino acids, as well as in protein synthesis and glucose production. L-Glutamine, unlike most other amino acids, is n...
发布时间: 2015 - 05 - 27
货号: 20012027 规格 Concentrated:1 XpH:pH 7.2Inorganic Salts:No Calcium, No MagnesiumForm:LiquidpH Range:7.1 - 7.3Osmolality:280 - 320 mOsm/kgProduct Size:500 mLClassification:Animal Origin-FreePhenol Red Indicator:No Phenol RedSodium Pyruvate Additive:No Sodium PyruvateGreen Features:Sustainable packagingShipping Condition:Room Temperature 内容及储存 Storage conditions: 15-30° CShipping conditions: AmbientShelf life: 24 months from date of manufacture 描述 Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) is a balanced salt solution used for a variety of cell culture applicati...
发布时间: 2015 - 05 - 27
货号: 18427013 规格 Concentration:10 mMProduct Size:100 µLShipping Condition:Approved for shipment on Wet or Dry Ice 内容及储存 These nucleotides are supplied as convenient, ready-to-use solutions at a concentration of 10 mM in Tris-HCl (pH 7.5). The 10 mM dNTP Mix contains all four of the dNTPs, each at a final concentration of 10 mM. Store at -20°C. Guaranteed stable for 6 months when properly stored. 描述 10 mM dNTP 混合物、dATP、dCTP、dGTP 和 dTTP(2´-脱氧核糖核苷酸 5´-三磷酸盐)适用于 PCR、测序、切口平移、填补、cDNA 合成和 TdT 加尾反应,也适用于稀释放射性标记的 dNTP。
发布时间: 2015 - 05 - 27
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